McGrath Law Firm has 147 clients involving the Hepatitis C exposure at Exeter Hospital in Exeter, NH.
The folks who have been testing positive for Hepatitis C from the Exeter hospital hepatitis outbreak are obviously traumatized. However, the folks who test negative for Hep C are also going through significant emotional distress – – we are the only lawyers pursuing actions for the negative results from hepatitis exposure in New Hampshire from Exeter Hospital in a lawsuit pending in Rockingham County Superior Court.
We have demanded independent medical treatment for some of our clients that have need treatment for hepatitis and our demands have been met. People that are getting phone calls or letters to be tested for hepatitis should contact us.
The temporary staffing agency and the Hospital should have known about the Hepatitis risk and done much more to protect people.
All claims have not been adjudicated and any allegations made are unproven at this time.
McGrath Law Firm is a full-service law firm with offices in New Hampshire and South Carolina, and has affiliations with law firms nationwide.
Have you or someone you know been affected by the Hepatitis C outbreak? Do you want to know your legal rights? Call Attorney Peter G. McGrath at (800) 283 1380 or (603) 224-7111 or visit to learn about your legal rights!! We get results!!