Everyone Needs a Will.
Don’t let the state decide how to distribute your assets!
- Estate planning on your terms. When you work with an attorney, you should expect individualized planning– not standardized forms– based on your personal situation, your goals, and your desires.
- Minimize the financial and psychological damage caused when disputes arise by engaging an experienced estate and tax planning
Benefits of Estate Planning
- Protect your Assets 6. Protect your privacy
- Protect your Family 7. Enjoy Peace of Mind
- Minimize Expenses 8. Provide for Specific Bequests
- Reduce Taxes 9. Minimize Stress
Package Includes:
- Will or Will with Testamentary Provisions
- Durable Power of Attorney
- Advance Directive for Health Care
Taking care of your family has always been No. 1 priority in your life, and that isn’t going to change. The best way to make sure they are taken care of after you pass is to establish an estate plan while you are still of sound mind.
Provide for your immediate family:
The estate plan will provide enough money for your surviving spouse to continue to care of the family. If both of you and your spouse pass, an estate will name an appointed guardian to care for your children.
Ensure property goes to the right beneficiaries:
Your estate plan will outline exactly where your assets are to go into the event of your death. This leaves no questions to be resolved by the courts or cause for family discord.
Minimize the expense and taxes.— When you take care to create an estate plan for you and your family. Create some certainty for your family’s future. Call us now and get started today.
For an Estate Planning consultation call us at(603) 224-7111 or fill out the form below and we'll get back in touch as soon as possible. Thank you.
Contact Your Local Estate Planning Lawyer
McGrath Law Firm
3 North Spring Street, Suite 201 Concord, NH 03301Phone: (603) 224-7111
Fax: (603) 228-8095